Our PBIS Program Is Unique Among The Catholic Schools In Orange County
- October 4, 2018
- Posted by: administrator
- Category: Blog
Our alumni, parents, and current students know that Mission Basilica School prides itself on being the standard bearer for innovative programs among the Catholic schools in Orange County. The faculty frequently implements new concepts that we feel will best convey our faith-based value system so that our graduates can become mature and responsible members of society, guided by their moral compasses. That is why it brings us great pride to pilot the new Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support discipline program this year, also known as PBIS.
What Is the Goal of the Program?
PBIS is the brainchild of faculty members who feel that good behavior both at school and at home is best achieved through positive incentive. In the classroom, respect for authority figures will be treated much as though it was any other academic subject. This way, pupils will come to understand that they are expected to follow the rules, just as they would be to study for a test or to do their homework.
Students who incorporate good behavior and obedience into their everyday routines will receive positive feedback. Mission Basilica believes that this form of gentle discipline will serve them well when they are faced with decisions outside of the classroom as well.
Teaching children how to behave should not be about the threat of punishment. Instead, by telling the students precisely what is expected of them as good Catholics, pupils, and citizens, it will become apparent what kind of behavior is counterproductive and harmful. Perhaps other Catholic schools in Orange County will eventually follow our example, but for now, only Mission Basilica is pioneering a program of this nature. It will be enforced with gentle good humor so as not to be heavy-handed. We trust that our students already know right from wrong. This program will serve as a reinforcement of what they are already being taught both in the classroom and at home in a family setting.
We firmly believe that with this program in place, a positive school climate will be created. Problem behaviors will be reduced to a minimum. Where children are tempted to engage in them, they will know that what they are doing is wrong and that their teachers and parents will be disappointed in them. By understanding what the consequences of their actions will be, the student will likely think twice and respond to the situation differently than they might otherwise. They will be able to recall the lessons they learned and take the high road, remaining on the proper path.
Now in its 90th year, Mission Basilica School remains a bastion and a beacon among the Catholic schools in Orange County. We have high standards, and we want them for our students as well. Mrs. Vanover will provide more details about this exciting program during Back-to-School Night. We’re thrilled that the new school year has begun, and we know that the parents will support us as we implement this new part of the curriculum.